
Our commitment is to provide our customers with the highest quality products and service, and your satisfaction is of utmost importance to us. If you are not satisfied with your order, please do not hesitate to reach out to us at

We take great care to maintain all wines at optimal conditions. Please be aware that wine is perishable and can be susceptible to damage from extreme temperatures during transit. To ensure that your wine arrives in good condition, we may hold your shipment until conditions are more favorable, at our discretion. Although not required, we recommend limiting your wine's exposure during shipping to two or three days. If you are located on the east coast, we suggest considering expedited shipping. Once the wine has been handed over to the carrier, we are unable to guarantee proper storage, and any issues that may arise after delivery become the responsibility of the recipient. We regret that we cannot replace wine that has been damaged by extreme weather conditions during shipment. Additionally, we are unable to accept returns for wines that do not meet personal preferences, wines that have been adversely affected by your storage, or wines that have been damaged while in your care.

If you suspect that a bottle may have been compromised, please refrain from pouring out the wine. Instead, securely replace the cork and send the bottle back to us via UPS. We will cover all shipping costs for returning the bottle to us for evaluation. We appreciate the time taken to do this. Our address is Lonesome Rock, 18495 NW Meadowlake Road, Yamhill, OR 97148.